Wednesday 5 September 2012

Brick trailer

   In this trailer there is a phone booth this is because the phone booth is used coupled with a macro-micro opening this focuses in onto the phone booth a key icon of film noir this is something I wish to include in my film trailer this is because it instantly identifies it as a film noir. This is an instant realisation of genre for the target audience so they will pay more attention to the rest of the advert. Also an advantage of it being at the start of the advert is you can then focus more on the unique aspects of the advert.  
   The use of smoking and cigarettes in this trailer is also a key part of the trailer this is due to cigarettes another convention of film noir and will help my audience identify the genre. Another important effect that the cigarette has is that it signals the gritty nature of the film and as a key part of my film is the derelict like conditions of the town and the cigarettes will help that. 

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