Wednesday 27 June 2012

inception magazine cover deconstruction

   On this magazine cover Leonardo Dicaprio is looking away from the camera. This gives the impression that he is distracted. This is used because in the film Cobb (played by Leonardo) is tormented by the apparition of his dead wife. This way distraction is portrayed in this could very easily be applied to my magazine cover because the main character in my film will be distracted as well due to the femme fatale. The fact that he is not looking at the camera creates an enigma code where the audience want to see why Cobb is looking away and what he is looking at.
   The other stories on this front cover are in the same style as the main picture on the cover. This created synergy and makes the front cover flow together. This also makes the main article look the most important because all the other articles on the front cover are of the same style. In turn this makes the audience think this film is good because it makes all the other stories follow its lead. 

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