Saturday 16 June 2012

Poster deconstruction 2 : LA Confidential poster

Colour – there is lots of dark colours on this poster this signals the dark plots of the film, another result of the dark colours s it makes the red lettering and the woman’s dress stand out. The colour red stands out and gives out connotations of danger, the danger is associated with the woman due do the femme fatale figure in film noir, however the white dress subverts this because white has connotations of purity and peace two things not associated with femme fatales who use sex to get there ways and generally put people into danger.
Font – the font on this is similar to that of double indemnity and also reminiscent of most films around the 50s when the film is set. This shows the audience that the film is set in the past tense and also indicates that it is a film noir because film noirs are often associated with the 50s due to that being the golden era of film noir.
Image – the film poster focuses mainly on the femme fatale figure. It focuses on the femme fatale figure because it is an integral part of film noir. In the background of poster there is the iconic Hollywood sign this is because the location is a key part of the film and the poster displays this. In the background there is a sunset this shows the seedy underbelly of 1950s LA.
Layout – the proxemics of this poster show that the woman is in control of all the men. This is achieved by putting her in front of all the men in the poster. This goes along with connotations of film noir and femme fatales this make the target audience identify that it is a film noir.
Language – the writing on this poster is much the same as the brick poster where there are only reviews to shoe possible viewers that it is a good film that has been well received.

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