Monday, 17 December 2012

finished cover

cover editing

the difficult part of editing the cover was getting the empire logo behind the character but in front of the background. I had taken a picture of the background where I wanted my character to stand but it was still the most difficult part of editing my magazine cover.

magazine picture

for the picture of my magazine I didn't really have any issues .

now all I have to do is add the empire logo turn it to black and white and add a bar code and other stories as well ans the one about my film

the empire logo will be in black and white as well as the rest of the cover, the empire cover often changes to suit a film here are some examples.

the hulk cover has a cartoony empire logo that it being split in half

the hell boy cover has a logo which is on fire

the batman one is black and has the bat-symbol on it.

finished poster

here is my finished poster i think the poster went as well as it could.

Poster editing

   poster editing went very well I believe I resolved the problem with the shadows and managed to highlight attention to the badge a little more
   with the shadow I created a new layer and drew the shadow on with the paint tool and turned the colour of the pavement darker where I wanted the shadow, I was surprised with how well it turned out and I believe it had an almost professional look about it. with the police badge I zoomed in on Photoshop and made all the colours more crisp this makes it stand out more I believe.

Poster picture

This is the picture I will be using for my film poster. I will turn it black and white for the noir effect I will also make it so the shadow of the character is bolder and try to make the police badge stand out more. I will add the film title at the bottom above the billing card there will be reviews at the side and actor names at the top.


   I took the photo for my film poster and magazine cover whilst filming the phone-booth scene I thought this would work well for continuity purposes so it it is the same time in the film poster and magazine as it is in the trailer. this give the effect of increasing the synergy between texts. another reason this was effective was because the actor would of been wearing the same clothes that he was in the trailer. this again works well with the continuity of both the trailer, magazine cover and the film poster. again this will help with the continuity of the texts as time location and weather will all be the same.
   one of the problems I had was creating the iconic noir shadow on the ground, I couldn't get a hold of lighting equipment to do this; however I feel confident enough with Photoshop to create a shadow on there whilst editing together my film poster.
   the only other problem I had was the fact that the police badge a key piece of synergy for the project does not shoe up well on the pictures I will try to find a way to combat this and bring attention to it, again whilst I edit the pictures.
   with the magazine article i felt everything went okay and that there were no major issues with it.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Finished trailer!


   To edit my film trailer I will be using Windows movie maker, this is due to it being a program I already have installed on my laptop, it is also far easier to use than Adobe Premier pro and also I like the way it is laid out. This is all very useful because it works just as well as Adobe Premier pro but doesn't have the extortionate price tag.
I found editing relatively easy; this is probably due to the simplicity of Windows Movie maker. One of the main pieces of editing I did other than the simple cuts between scenes was putting it into black and white, I did this capture the essence of the film noir genre and I believe it has worked quite effectively.

    For the music of my trailer I have used a piece of music called Apocalypto. I believe it was the perfect fit for my trailer because it holds the intensity of the action in the trailer well, another advantage of that piece of music was it was the perfect length for where I planned it to start and stop. The music starts after Wilson says he must be eliminated and goes until the gunshot towards the end of the trailer.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

  Filming started off with an unexpected glitch when one of the actors pulled out on the day I was going to film, however in a great turn of luck the actor that had previously lined up to play the character of jack was now available so I asked him if he was able to film on Friday the 19th and he was.

   I had previously scheduled 4pm to film, however Vishal Bhudia who plays the character of jack was not able to make that time due to commitments with work so I resorted to pushing back filming to 4:30pm all of the actors were OK with this. I didn’t need them to bring multiple costumes because the film is only set over a couple of days in which the only real costume change is; a hoodie for jack to signal his suspension from the force, hoodie for Tyler played by Declan Hampton so jack doesn’t recognise him from a distance and the same for David played by James Bowes although the character of jack does not know him it still makes him look more shifty.

   I wasn’t actually able to start filming until 5pm due to one of the actors punctuality deficiency so when I started filming it was getting dark however this worked to my advantage as I was able to convey the gritty nature of the film better. In all I think filming was a resounding success. 

Friday, 19 October 2012


 the props i needed to film have know arrived. The props I needed where a toy police badge because it is a key piece of synergy and also two toy guns. 


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

poster drafts

I have done 3 different drafts of my posters. As I did for my magazine covers i will get audience feedback to decide the final version.

poster 1 

poster 2

poster 3

cover selection: audience feedback results 

which poster do you prefer?

   this shows that the audience preferred the cover with the character looking away, I felt this one to be more effective as well this cover utilises the shadows, the effect of this is the audience can identify it as a film noir. another effective part of this cover was the fact the main character was looking away this is effective because it shows he is distracted which hints at the iconographic femme fatale.

Monday, 17 September 2012


for my magazine cover i have done two draft copies of my ideas i will show these two my target audience so i know which one they prefer 

poster 1

poster 2

Sunday, 16 September 2012


i have now finished my script and can now start working on my storyboarding.



JACK is inside the phone booth. JACK inserts money into the phone and dials a number.

     JACK – I know who you are and I know its you who is poisoning this town and I am 
not going to rest until your corrupt body lies dead in the gutter where it belongs.

JACK slams the phone down and storms out the phone booth once he leaves the booth. He drops his police badge on the floor once he is out the phone booth.


Police chief WILSON is sat on his chair in his office. Officers TYLER and DAVID are also stood in the room with him.

     WILSON – How are operations going?
     TYLER – We might have a slight problem with one of the officers sir.
     WILSON – What! Who is it!
     DAVID – Its jack sir, it’s just he’s incorruptible.
     WILSON – he must be eliminated.



There is a dark alley way in this alley a shifty looking man is stood with his hands in his pockets lent up against a wall. JACK walks casually to dealer and pushes him against the wall.

DEALER – What are you doing man?
JACK – I know you work for him
DEALER – I don’t know what your talking about man
JACK don’t play dumb with me boy I know you work for him (pause) I know this is all linked the murders the drugs the chief!



The police chief WILSON and JACK are sat in WILSON’s office
WILSON – jack your conduct of late has not been acceptable.
JACK – are you being serious?
 WILSON – we can’t have you going around shaking down suspects with a gun jack

JACK slams his gun on the table and storms out slamming the door on his way.



There is a man stood in the alley way waiting for someone. JACK walks over to him and hands him money and the GUN DEALER hands JACK a gun and they both walk off in different directions.


Two men are stood in an alley way TYLER who is not able to be identified and BUYER. JACK walks round the corner jack sees that TYLER and BUYER are in the middle of a drug deal.

JACK – Freeze

TYLER and BUYER both run away in different directions JACK follows TYLER not knowing who he is

JACK – Stop or I will shoot

TYLER does not stop and jack draws his gun and shots and walks over to TYLER’s body



WILSON and DAVID are in the office

WILSON – Jack must be eliminated, he could blow this whole operation.



JACK is standing over TYLER’s body he recognises who it is

JACK – Tyler.


JACK is surrounded by police officers all aiming at him and JACK has his hands in the air.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Trailer summary 

Attached is the summary to the plot of my film trailer i did this during a media lesson and the following free the reason it is in picture format is because it was done inn my media book.

Friday, 7 September 2012

here are the results of my questionnaire in pie chart format so it is easier to digest


I tried to get an even mix of genders this even mix allows me to get a broader understanding of my target audience the range of genders allows me to target my audience without dis-including any possible audience members.


Again with age I attempted to do a similar thing to what I did with gender but I tried to focus more on the ages of people that would go to see my film but I also branched out to secondary audience members this allows me to widen my target audience.

Have you ever seen any of the following films?

The aim of this question was to establish the film noirs the people I surveyed had seen this allows me to have an understanding of my interviewees understanding of my chosen film genres. The two most common films the people I interviewed had seen where LA Confidential and sin city these where both relatively new films this shows that people will still go and see film noirs.

If so what did you think of them?

This question allowed me to gain an understanding of the popularity of film noir in my target audience. From this I learnt that 90% of the people I surveyed gave a positive review of the film noir films they had seen. This tells me that the majority of people in my target audience would go to see a film noir if I marketed it using the genre of film noir.

Have you ever gone to see a film due to a successful trailer?

The aim of this was to see what sort of impact a good trailer can have on audiences. This shows me that 75%of the people I gave my questionnaire to said that they have been persuaded to go and see a film because its trailer was good this information I know how important my film trailer is.

What about it swayed you?

This questions aim was to give me information on what will make people go to see a film due to its trailer. With this information I will be able to determine what to put in my trailer thus giving me crucial information as to what to put in my trailer. The enigma code can be seen to be an integral part of what I will need to put in my trailer because 47% percent of the people I surveyed said that was what swayed them to watch the film.

What conventions do you expect to see in a film trailer?

The aim of this question was to gain an understanding of what my target audience expect to be in there film trailers. This gives me an understanding of what my audience expect to see in a film trailer. With this information I will be able to tailor my trailer to contain more conventions that my audience expect to see in my trailer.

Have you ever seen a film because of a magazine article?

This questions aim was to determine the effect magazine articles can have. This has shown me the gains of using a successful magazine opposed to a non-effective one. From this I have learnt that 80% of the people I had surveyed had been swayed due to a successful magazine front cover because it’s the cover what draws people in to buy the magazine. This shows me that if I can get the cover right I can get a larger audience to watch my film.

What about it swayed you?

This question allowed me to find out what people want to see on a film magazine front cover that would make them buy it and later go and see the film. The information from this will give me an idea of what makes a successful film magazine. The question revealed that of the people that said yes to the first question 19% went to see the film just because the front cover of the magazine was interesting  but 50% went to see it because the actor on the front. If I can use this would make my film look more desirable so the magazine front cover should focus on the main actor.

What do you expect to see on the front of a film magazine cover?

This question allowed me to gain an understanding of what the audience expect top see in my film trailer