Monday 17 December 2012


   I took the photo for my film poster and magazine cover whilst filming the phone-booth scene I thought this would work well for continuity purposes so it it is the same time in the film poster and magazine as it is in the trailer. this give the effect of increasing the synergy between texts. another reason this was effective was because the actor would of been wearing the same clothes that he was in the trailer. this again works well with the continuity of both the trailer, magazine cover and the film poster. again this will help with the continuity of the texts as time location and weather will all be the same.
   one of the problems I had was creating the iconic noir shadow on the ground, I couldn't get a hold of lighting equipment to do this; however I feel confident enough with Photoshop to create a shadow on there whilst editing together my film poster.
   the only other problem I had was the fact that the police badge a key piece of synergy for the project does not shoe up well on the pictures I will try to find a way to combat this and bring attention to it, again whilst I edit the pictures.
   with the magazine article i felt everything went okay and that there were no major issues with it.

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